
Aug 14, 2014

Oto's Marketplace | My Japanese Market Adventure | Funko Pop + Beauty

So last weekend I was in Sacramento, CA hanging out with some friends and family when we stopped by Oto's Marketplace. It was one of the most amazing Japanese Markets I have ever been too! I love the Japanese culture and traditions, I even learned Japanese in college! おはようございます!They had an awesome food selection at great prices. I would definitely recommend!

Most importantly, they had amazing beauty and toy sections! I was able to find a bunch of Pops there as well as some of my favorite mystery boxes! They were pretty well priced at $11.99. Unfortunately, the Pops they carried were either one's I already owned or one's I was uninterested in.

I've found Pops in lots of places you might not initially think of. There are the obvious places like Hot Topic, comic shops, collectable shops, and conventions. I've seen huge vendors at flea markets, fairs, etc. I've also seen small selections at Walmart, Target, Barnes and Noble, and now Japanese Markets. Also, if you like a particular show, check out their website because they sometimes sell a good selection of the show's Pops (I've seen great selections on HBO's shop).

Now, toys aside, lets get to their beauty section! Being able to read Japanese was a big help in navigating this sections but I think you can manage with some patience. They had face masks, lotions, eye creams, eye lash curlers, lashes, etc.

I was most surprised to see Dolly Wink products there! I was so excited because I have never seen Dolly Wink in any of my local stores. However, nothing else caught my eye but I might so some research into some of the brands I saw and come back.

I wanted to pick something up from Dolly Wink but at the price, (their famous Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner was $18.99) I decided that I would come back later after some research. I've seen their products online for a slightly cheaper prices but this also seems like a good deal if I don't have to deal with shipping costs.

I had a great time going through this store, buying some snacks and browsing their shelves. I would stop by again if I'm ever in the area. You never know what you will find so always keep your eyes open! I hope you enjoyed my little adventure! ~ Alissa

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