
Aug 21, 2014

Awesome Moments | San Jose Super Toy & Comic Book Show 2014

So the day after the amazing Bruno Mars Concert my boyfriend and I attended the San Jose Super Toy and Comic Book Show! I spent far too much money! I bought so many Funko Pops and you can expect a haul to come your way shortly. :)

This is the second year in a row I have been to this toy show so I knew to expect great things (and for my wallet to cry). Like most toy shows there was a entrance fee (I always recommend you pre-order if you can). Since I was so preoccupied with the Bruno Mars Concert I forgot to pre-order so I had to wait in line.

This toy show was a two day show but I was only planning on going the first day. If I wanted to go to the second day it would have been free! Maybe one year I will take advantage of both days but honestly one day for about 3 hours was more than enough. I could only see myself going back for a guest appearance or if I changed my mind about an item. Sometimes, they have different sellers for the second day.

There was supposed to be a guest appearance from Steve Cardenas, Rocky DeSantos/Red Ranger from Power Rangers, but he was a no show and the other guest appearances were uninteresting to me.

I had a great time and saw a lot of great toys and collectables. There were a lot of Funko Pop sellers and comic book sellers. I was hoping to see some more art but sadly there wasn't. I did find a really cute chibi artist called Yojambo and bought up some of her art.

I love the type of people I meet at toy shows. They are so nice and friendly! They love to talk and connect with you about anything. Even the sellers are really nice but can be a little stubborn (they don't like cutting deals) but they are always accommodating. My boyfriend and I are really picky about our Pops' paint jobs so we like to compare as many as we can until we are satisfied. That said, the sellers were really sweet by letting us look at all their Pops and some even offered to bring more for the next day. A lot of the sellers also accepted major credit cards without any extra charge.

Some of the coolest stuff I saw that day were these Pop Asia figures! I had never seen them before and I thought they were super cute. I have a Japanese and Chinese doll collection so I would have loved to add these to my collection but I was unprepared to spend $30 on one figure.

My goal is to never spend more than $12 on a single figure unless it is limited edition, rare, or I just really really want it. Haha. Toy Fairs are a great place to get Pops for a bargain. I took advantage of deals like 4 for $35 with each pop after that being $8. I also saw 4 for $45. There were other sales like $10 each. Lots of places of course had more expensive Pops from $15 to $80. Some places were willing to cut even more deals but none really interested me.

Anyway! Here are some pictures I snapped at the show.

Their next toy show is in December so if you are in the area I highly recommend it! ~ Alissa

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