
Mar 25, 2014

For Rachel: Removing Makeup

Dear Rachel,
Removing your makeup after a long day can be very relaxing. It is important to give your skin time to breath at night by removing all the makeup. By properly removing everything you will see a great improvement in your skin.

Step 1: Remove Eye Makeup. Whether you use water proof eye makeup or not removing it is a delicate process. You don't want to tung and pull at your lashes or skin. I like using an oil based eye makeup remover on a cotton pad. I use: up & up™ Makeup Remover. Most eye makeup removers are in two parts that you shake together then put on a cotton pad. You should place this on your eye and let it break down the makeup. You can do light sweeping or rubbing motions but nothing to harsh. To save supplies I usually flip the cotton pad over and do the same on the other eye. If you still have some eye makeup left feel free to repeat this step or take a q-tip in the same eye makeup remover and clean up anything left behind.

Step 2: Remove Face Makeup. There are many different ways people do this step. You can use a oil to break it down or you can use a makeup wipe. I personally use: CVS Eye Makeup Remover Pads for All Skin Types but any wipes that are moist and have a little grit work the best for me. I usually take this all over my face and neck in small circular motions. I sometimes go over my eyes very gently to get anything I may have missed. You can also use the same wipe to remove any lip products you have on.

Step 3: Carry on with your night time routine but still wash your face. Even though you skin might seem perfectly clean you should still wash your face after removing your makeup.

And that's it! The great thing is that if you had a no makeup day you can skip this whole process. You don't even have to do these steps in front of a mirror. You can relax while watching some Netflix or in the bath. I was going to do a night time skin care post first but this seemed like a good place to start off. Make taking off your makeup a relaxing process, not a chore.

Alissa :3

Mar 23, 2014

For Rachel: Morning Skin Care

Dear Rachel,
Even if you have nice skin there is a need for a good skin care routine. We are young but keeping our skin young is the challenge. Also, keeping your skin nice is so comfortable and nice feeling. Being able to touch your face and feels the soft, smooth skin is so satisfying.
Knowing your skin type is an important thing to figure out to know what types of products you should use. However, the basic routine is the same.

Make sure you start off with a clean face from the night before. If you still have makeup and stuff from the night before just remove it and maybe give your skin some extra love in the morning.

Step 1: Cleanse. The cleanser you use will depend on your skin type but a gentle cleanser is universally great. My favorites are: Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser, Normal to Oily Skin and CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser. These are great for all skin types. They are gentle and hydrating. Using your hands with these is good but using a tool like a Clarasonic or Olay Fresh Effects Va-Va-Vivid! Powered Contour Cleansing System can get your skin extra clean and can mean you can skip Step 2.

Step 2 (Optional): Exfoliate. You don't have to do this in the morning but sometimes it is nice if you feel like your skin is looking a little dull. Again, the one you use will depend on your skin type, if you are especially sensitive you might want to skip this or use a cleanser mixed with some exfoliates. My favorites are: St. Ives Naturally Clear Apricot Scrub Blemish and Blackhead Control and Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash Foaming Scrub, Pink Grapefruit.

Step 3 (Optional): Face Mask. Sometimes our skin is kinda gross or our pores are really clogged. Using a face mask in the morning is very luxurious if you have the time but not necessary at all. I like: Origin's Clear Improvement and almost the whole Freeman line. If you see a specific problem with your skin get a face mask that claims to fix that. Don't leave it on for too long, they can really dry your skin if you leave it on way longer than the directions.

Tip: Use a white face cloth to dry your face and change it often. Some say to change it every time you wash your face but I think that is ridiculous. I change mine every few days or if I drop it on the floor (Haha!). Also steps 1-3 can be done in the shower! However, if you wash your face in the shower do it last so your shampoo and other hair products don't mess up your freshly cleaned skin.

Step 4: Tone. Toner is a great way to remove anything that got dislodged from your pores from all the other steps. You may think your skin is clean but soak a cotton pad in some toner and sweep it across your face and you will be shocked at what you can pick up. I like: Boots Expert Sensitive Gentle Refreshing Toner with some exfoliating cotton pads. Let this sink in before moving on to the next step.

Step 5 (Optional): Blemish control: If you have some troublesome acne you want to treat do this now. I use: Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Spot Treatment. Wait for this to sink in before moving on.

Step 6: Moisturize. This has to be the most important step. If you are in a rush just do this. This will make a world of a difference to how healthy and alive your skin looks. Makeup looks so much better on hydrated skin. A lightweight eye cream in the morning will also help with puffiness and dark circles. I am currently using: The Body Shop's Vitamin E Eye Cream and Aveeno Clear Complexion Daily Moisturizer. Take some down your neck too. Let this sink in.

Step 7: Apply your makeup.  Now your face if the perfect canvas for makeup.

All the products I mentioned have worked great for me but they might not do the same for you so feel free to experiment and try out different things. Once you find something that works great for you you'll know. As you can see a lot of the steps are optional, do them on a lazy Saturday morning or the day of a big event, so this routine won't take up too much time. Between steps you can brush your teeth or style your hair or whatever else needs to be done.

Hope this helps. I'll do a night one soon and let me know if you have any other questions.

Alissa :3